Starting an online casino can be a lucrative venture. Deciding between opening a traditional fiat online casino or a crypto casino may seem daunting, and it is a complex decision. Both types of casinos offer various benefits and drawbacks, making the choice not easy.

When choosing between fiat and crypto casinos, it is important to carefully consider the significant differences between the two. Online fiat casinos require a more traditional approach whereas crypto casinos often have a more niche audience and require a deeper understanding of blockchain technology and the complexities of cryptocurrencies and the market.

The choice between online fiat or crypto casinos ultimately depends on the goals and target audience of your business.

Regulatory Compliance

A fiat online casino and a cryptocurrency casino operate under very different regulatory frameworks, which could significantly impact the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) processes. 

The Key Differences Between Starting a Crypto and Fiat Online Casino -

Fiat Online Casinos

Fiat online casinos operate within established regulatory frameworks set by governments and gaming authorities. They are subject to stricter rules and compliance measures to ensure fair play, responsible gambling practices, and the security of user information.

KYC and AML Regulations

Fiat casinos must comply with KYC and AML regulations, which confirm user details and monitor transactions to prevent money laundering and other illegal or illicit activities. The process includes requesting identification documents, age verification, and tracking user history to ensure compliance. It is important to understand that KYC and AML regulations vary by country and jurisdictions:

Let’s say you plan on starting a fiat online casino, and understand that each country has its own set of regulations and laws governing KYC and AML compliance. For example, the European Union has its own Anti-Money Laundering Directive (6AMLD) compared to the United States which has the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA). This is crucial to ensure global compliance and mitigating risks.

Regulatory Oversight

Fiat online casinos would need to obtain licenses from recognized regulatory bodies in Malta or the Curacao Gaming Authority and UK Gambling Commission for instance, and adhere to industry standards. Since fiat casinos operate within strict regulatory frameworks, they are subject to regular audits by third-party agencies to verify the randomness of games and the accuracy of payout percentages. These audits ensure security, fairness, and transparency, and failure to comply can result in fines and license revocation.

Crypto Casinos

Crypto casinos often operate in a more decentralized and unregulated space, using blockchain technology to provide increased security and anonymity.

KYC and AML Requirements

Some crypto casinos do not require KYC protocols due to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology. The lack of KYC and AML regulations may raise concerns about potential fraudulent activities and the difficulty of tracking illicit transactions. However, the use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies does provide some level of transparency and traceability for transactions. 

All crypto transactions are recorded and can be viewed on a public ledger. The anonymity provided by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and the decentralized nature of blockchain technology make it challenging to identify the actual user behind the wallet. This anonymity of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies is one key aspect of what attracts players to crypto casinos.

Regulatory Oversight

Unlike online fiat casinos, the best crypto casinos operate with less oversight and are not subject to the same level of regulatory scrutiny. This can make it challenging to enforce KYC and AML regulations. Although the regulatory framework for a crypto casino is unlike a fiat casino, there are the added elements of regulatory requirements that apply to cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are not regulated in the same way as traditional fat currencies like the dollar or pound. These regulations can impact the way crypto casinos operate and the requirements they must follow.

For example, many jurisdictions require crypto exchanges and crypto-related businesses to comply with KYC and AML protocols. These regulations ensure cryptocurrencies are not used for any illegal activities. The use of cryptocurrencies in crypto casinos will be subject to the various regulatory requirements that apply to cryptocurrencies.

Payment Processing

The payment processes for crypto and fiat online casinos differ significantly.

Fiat Online Casinos

  • Traditional banking methods: Online fiat casinos use traditional banking methods such as bank transfers, credit cards, and e-wallets like PayPal for transactions. 
  • Centralized transactions: Transactions will generally be processed through centralized financial institutions, such as a central or commercial bank. Processing player winnings often needs to be verified, authorized, and validated before being processed. This can lead to delays in paying out players. Additionally, centralized transactions will include additional fees, like transaction and processing fees. This will require fiat online casinos to charge players a fee for the service.
  • Fees and conversion rates: Besides transaction and processing fees, fiat casinos will be charged and will need to charge for converting one fiat currency to another fiat currency. For example, a player from the UK would need to convert pounds to dollars if they are using an online fiat casino that only accepts U.S. dollars. The transaction fee for the conversion may apply when transferring funds between currencies.

Crypto Casinos

If you want to start a crypto casino, the crypto payment process must be compatible with the casino infrastructure, This includes ensuring that the payment software is compatible with the website and that the setup and fees are fair and competitive:

  • Blockchain technology: Crypto casinos use blockchain technology for transactions, which ensures transparency, security, and decentralization.
  • Decentralized transactions: Transactions are processed directly between the players and the casino, which eliminates the need for intermediaries like banks and reduces the risk of fraud.
  • Anonymity and privacy: One of the key benefits of a crypto casino is the higher level of anonymity and privacy. This is due to the pseudonymous and encrypted wallet addresses to identify the players.
  • Faster transactions: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, allow for faster transactions, which is far more efficient than fiat online casinos. Crypto transactions are processed directly on the blockchain network. This eliminates the need for third-party verification and approval like online fiat casinos require. This means that transactions are validated within minutes and withdrawals are often processed instantly, allowing players to access their winnings quickly. 
  • Lower fees: Crypto casinos often charge lower fees for all crypto transactions due to the elimination of intermediaries, the use of blockchain technology, and the decentralized nature of the transactions. This results in reduced costs for players and operators.

Target Audience

The target audience for fiat online and crypto casinos will be widely different. Fiat online casinos tend to attract a broader audience who prefer to use traditional payment methods. These casinos also cater to traditional gamblers who are familiar with the concept of online gambling. Crypto casinos, on the other hand, tend to cater to a niche audience, including those who are familiar with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. These players often have a basic understanding of the crypto market, which can be an obstacle for players who are less familiar. 

Tech Savvy

Unlike traditional online fiat casino players, crypto casino gamblers are more tech-savvy. The game variety is no different, but the payment option requires some understanding of how cryptocurrencies work, the features and uses of different cryptocurrencies, and a basic understanding of the regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies. To start a crypto casino, you will need to set clear marketing objectives to attract your target audience and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. 

Global and Local Reach

Both fiat and crypto casinos have a global reach, with online fiat casinos accepting traditional currencies and catering to a broader audience. This allows fiat casinos to operate in multiple jurisdictions and attract players from around the world. This also allows fiat casinos to adapt to different regulatory environments and offer a more diverse range of services and games. According to a study by In Target, the demographic for fiat online casinos is typically older players who are in the 25 to 44 age bracket, 55% of online users are male and 45% are female players. 

Crypto casinos, while also operating on a global scale, tend to focus on localized markets. This means that they tend to cater to specific communities or regions that are interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Crypto casinos tend to attract a younger demographic between the ages of 18 and 34. Interestingly, the gender ratio is balanced with 50% of players being male and 50% female.

Technical Infrastructure of Fiat Online Casinos vs. Crypto Casinos

The key differences between a fiat online and crypto casino boil down to their technical infrastructure, which is shaped by their underlying technologies and the payment systems they use:

Fiat Online Casinos

  • Centralized Database Management: Fiat casinos employ centralized user data storage that stores user account information, transaction histories, and personal data. Additionally, game data, including outcomes, player interactions, and statistics are stored and managed centrally.
  • Payment Gateways and Banking Integration: Fiat casinos integrate traditional payment gateways to facilitate transactions using credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and e-wallets. Generally, fiat casinos will establish partnerships with banks and financial institutions to ensure the smooth processing of deposits and withdrawals. 
  • Server Infrastructure: Online casinos will need high-performance servers that can handle high volumes of user traffic, game sessions, and real-time interactions. Both crypto and fiat casinos will run 24/7, which requires robust server infrastructure to minimize downtimes and technical issues. Furthermore, the servers must be scalable to accommodate growing user bases and peak traffic times without compromising performance.
  • Security Protocols:  Standard security protocols will include encryption which is implemented to protect user data, financial transactions, and sensitive information from unauthorized access. Fiat casinos will use security measures like intrusion detection systems and firewalls to reduce the risks of cyber attacks and threats.

Crypto Casinos

Unlike fiat casinos, crypto casinos’ technical infrastructure is very different:

  • Blockchain Integration: Crypto casinos use blockchain technology to execute smart contracts for automated transactions. This reduces the need for manual processing and payments are made as soon as the terms of the contract are met. Blockchain technology, on which smart contracts are based, is a decentralized network that operates without the control of a central authority. 
  • Wallet Management: To play at a crypto casino, players are required to use a crypto wallet to store and manage their cryptocurrencies. Some crypto casinos integrate with crypto exchanges to ensure seamless conversion between fiat and cryptocurrencies. 
  • Decentralized Platforms: Crypto casinos operate as decentralized applications (dApps), removing the need for centralized control. At the same time, games may use blockchain consensus mechanisms to ensure fair and random outcomes without the need for trust in a central authority.
  • Security Measures: The blockchain is immutable, meaning that once transactions are recorded on the blockchain, they cannot be deleted or altered in any way. If a player has an issue with a payout, for instance, the transaction is already recorded on the blockchain, and neither the player nor the casino can change it. This immutability provides a high level of security and trust in the system, as all transactions are tamper-proof and transparent.

Security and Fraud Prevention

The main difference between online fiat and crypto casinos in terms of security and fraud prevention lies in the underlying technology used. Since fiat online casinos operate under the control of a central authority, it could potentially lead to security risks and fraud vulnerabilities. Crypto casinos, on the other hand, leverage advanced security measures like cryptographic encryption and smart contracts to ensure the integrity of all transactions.  

Common Security Measures

Crypto and online fiat casinos will share the following security measures

  • Encryption: Fiat and crypto casinos would need to implement Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to protect any data transmitted between a player’s browser and the casino’s servers. This will ensure that sensitive information like login credentials and payment details are encrypted and secure from interception.
  • Firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS): Advanced firewalls and IDS measures protect against unauthorized access and cyber-attacks. These systems will monitor and filter any incoming and outgoing network traffic based on the predetermined rules. 
  • User authentication: Multi-factor and two-factor authentication are important security features that casinos need to implement. It requires players to provide two or more verification factors, like biometric authentication and password to gain access to their accounts. 
  • Regular security audits: Both fiat online and crypto casinos are subject to regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address any potential security flaws in the casino’s infrastructure.

Fiat Casino Security Differences

  • Secure payment gateways: Fiat casinos using card payment gateways are subject to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard compliance and are mandatory for all fiat online regardless of the country or jurisdiction. This is to ensure that the handling of credit card information adheres to strict security measures for storing, processing, and transmitting cardholder data. 
  • Geolocation tracking: To prevent fraud and ensure compliance with regional regulations, geolocation tracking can assist with blocking access from restricted jurisdictions. Regulatory bodies like the UK Gambling Commission and the Malta Gaming Authority implement geo-tracking technology and it is often mandatory for fiat online casinos to implement.

Crypto Casino Security Differences

Crypto casinos leverage blockchain security which includes smart contracts and transactions recorded on an immutable ledger. In addition to these security measures, blockchain security includes:

  • Multi-signature wallets: These wallets require multiple keys to authorize a transaction, which adds an additional layer of security against unauthorized access. If one key is compromised, the entire transaction cannot be executed without the other signatures.
  • Cryptographic techniques: Transactions are secured using public and private keys. This authenticates transactions and secures a layer’s funds in their crypto wallets.
  • Blockchain analytics: Blockchain analytic tools are used to monitor transactions on the blockchain network for any suspicious activities, helping to prevent money laundering and fraud.

Fiat Online Casinos vs. Crypto Casinos Difference in Benefits

Online fiat and crypto casinos have very distinct benefits that cater to different types of players and their preferences. 

Anonymity and Privacy

Crypto casinos offer greater anonymity and privacy due to the use of cryptocurrencies. Players are not required to reveal their real-world identities, which is more secure from cyber threats like data breaches. Online fiat casinos are bound by AML and KYC regulations requiring all players to reveal their personal and financial information, which compromises anonymity and player privacy.

Payment Methods

Fiat online casinos provide players with several traditional payment method options including bank transfers and e-wallets. Crypto casinos on the other hand, exclusively accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Tether for deposits and withdrawals. The key difference between the two casinos is crypto casinos are far more flexible. 

Most crypto casinos provide options for players to convert their crypto winnings to fiat currencies like the pound, dollar, or euro before withdrawing. The conversion from crypto to fiat is done at the current market exchange rate at the time of the withdrawal. However, converting crypto winnings to fiat currency is subject to capital gains taxes in most countries.

Bonuses and Promotions

Crypto casinos often offer more lucrative casino bonuses due to having lower operational costs. This is due to the reduced fees and simplified structure blockchain has to offer. The combination of lower operational costs, attracting new players, and the increased adoption of cryptocurrencies all contribute to crypto casinos being able to offer higher deposit bonuses, better loyalty programs, and reload bonuses.


Starting an online casino, whether it’s a fiat or crypto casino, requires careful consideration of many factors. It is vital to weigh the pros and cons, as well as consider the differences between each option before making a decision. Whichever path you take, an online casino can be a profitable venture and by considering the factors, you can increase your chances of success in the online gambling industry.

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Last Updated on June 17, 2024


Elizabeth is a Senior Content Manager at Scaleo. Currently enjoying the life in Prague and sharing professional affiliate marketing tips. She's been in the online marketing business since 2006 and gladly shares all her insights and ideas on this blog.